Thursday, August 9, 2012

Let the River(s) Flow Part 2

This week , we continued talking about going “west” meaning toward God, vs. “east” being away from God and the rivers of life coming from west out to the east to man.  We started in Leviticus 16 with instructions for the priests for the sin sacrifice.  They would sprinkle blood on the mercy seat as a temporary covering for sin for the people.  The instruction told the priest to go into the holy of holies, on the west side of the temple, and go to the west side of the ark of the Covenant and sprinkle the blood to the east.  This is significant because the power of the atonement of sin had to come from God, from the west side.  It could not come from man, from the east, if it was to be effective. 

I do want to say I am taking a lot of things from Pastor Jason’s Book, The Journey, so I encourage you to pick his book up.  It is possible to be saved but never go on the journey of really living in the promises.  The Egypt part of the journey is represented by Gihon, which means bursting forth, like birth.  When the Israelites left Egypt, not one was feeble or sick, and they left with the treasure of Egypt.  Then we get to the wilderness, represented by the Tigris, which refers to redeemed time.  The next place is the promised land, represented by Pishon, which means to increase and spread out.   Some people get stuck before they get to the promised land because conquering the giants is hard work.  Even that is not the destination.  The destination is God’s rest.  Is the promised land heaven?  Does heaven have giants to overcome?  No, that is not compatible with what heaven is.

This week we talked about the wilderness.  In the wilderness, if the people were obedient, their needs were met.  This is why it is easy for people to get stuck here.  They are happy to simply have their needs met.  If we get locked into wanting “just enough,” it is very selfish.  I can’t help anyone else if I just have enough (not just money, but energy, emotional strength, etc.).  When you have lack in any part of your life, you become self-centered.  Remember, in the wilderness, their needs were met only when they were completely obedient.  Then they would be in lack and grumble against God.  There is no abundance in the wilderness.  It then becomes a place of selfishness (Hebrews 5).  In the wilderness, we are like infants.  A baby is dependent on others to supply their needs and cannot help anyone.  Obtaining the promises is about having the resources to help others.  We don’t have resources in the wilderness.  Note that wilderness is not a bad place, but a necessary step to get to the promised land.  The Israelites were put in the wilderness to prepare them for the promised land.  If they were not prepared before they went to the promised land, they would be overtaken by the giants. 

There are “Numbers 13” moments that determine whether we cross over into the promised land or stay in the wilderness.  God does not set a timeframe for the wilderness.  The time we spend there mostly depends on us.  Jesus was there for 40 days.  He went to the wilderness and to the east for us, and came back victorious in 40 days.  The Israelites spent 40 years.  The distance they traveled should have taken a couple weeks.  Numbers 13, starting in verse 26, tells the account of the Israelites’ first chance to go into the promised land.  Numbers 14, starting with verse 22, shows the outcome of their fearful decision not to go.  That one decision cost the whole community, except Joshua and Caleb, their chance to go into the land.  The decisions we make determine how long we are in the wilderness.  God did not send things to test the Israelites.  They showed what they were ready for by their decisions.  There is a healthy amount of time to spend in the wilderness.  We have to learn some things there.  If He had let the original community in immediately, they would have been defeated.  When Joshua and Caleb went in, they were victorious. 

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To listen to the entire sermon go to and click on online media.  To learn more about Living Word Ahwatukee, visit