Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 7

Today’s key is being grounded in God’s word.  What does grounded mean?  A tree is grounded…it will not be shaken.  It may sway and bend in windstorms (like palm trees) but will not break.  We do not preach that storms do not come, but that we go through them and are not destroyed by them.  There are 3 things you can be grounded in:  Truth, Lies, or Nothing.  We are first going to determine what kind of ground you are.  Mark 4 tells the parable of the sower.  We are going to contrast the descriptions of the soil with Jesus’ explanations.

The first is the seed sown by the path, which is eaten by birds.  Jesus explains this as satan stealing the word.  I think the soil along the path is someone who is always moving around and never planted anywhere.  We have to learn to dig our roots in, not get offended, understand that no church is going to be perfect, and be planted somewhere.  Plants that are portable, like a potted plant, can only grow so big because the space for their roots is limited.  Sometimes God will tell you to move, but we should always make sure it is God telling us to go and that we leave in good standing (whether it be a church, job, etc.). 

The seed in rocky soil that withers is what I would call “faith by association.”  Some people feel certain things should be happening because of the church we are attending, or because we simply attend church or follow certain rules.  Sometimes when things then do not work, we blame someone or something else.  We never take the word deep enough to be personal.  The seed among thorns that are choked and made unfruitful.  Notice all these are related to us and what ground we choose to be.  These people get choked before the word produces fruit.  Often it is right before the fruit was going to produce.    

What does it mean to be good soil?  Our soil gets contaminated by hearing things other than the Word.  God wants us to hear what He says in order to multiply and produce fruit.  The Word tills our soil.  The seed then gets under the ground, the soil is soft and ready to receive the roots and allow the seed to sprout and last.  The Word (the seed) is always good, but the soil varies.  We all have parts of our soil that are  better and patches that are worse.  We always need to work on improving our soil.  Our soil does not become good on its own.  We must use the Word to change our soil. 

Additionally, what we are grounded in affects the quality of our soil.  Let’s explore grounds in electrical terns.  Exposed metal pieces are connected to a ground to prevent contact with dangerous voltage.  Voltage in our life is information.  There is good and bad information.  A good ground limits the buildup of static electricity when near volatile and flammable products.  A ground can absorb an unlimited amount of current without changing its potential.  You ground electricity to earth.  We are to be grounded to God’s Word.  Psalm 1 talks about how we should be.  We are not to be controlled or guided by the world’s wisdom but to delight in the Word of God.

James talks about accepting the word planted in us with humility.  That means sometimes we get a Word that is different than what we thought and have to let it change us. 

To listen to the entire sermon go to http://ahwatukeechurch.com/ and click on online media.  To learn more about Living Word Ahwatukee, visit http://ahwatukeechurch.com/