Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 10

We are continuing discussing what the church is designed to do.  Exodus 25 describes the making of the tabernacle.  The word for sanctuary here is Holy place.  God allowed man to make a holy place, thus the very clear instructions.  The word dwell (dwell among them) means to settle down, abide or reside.  In Genesis 2:8 we see where the design began.  God makes a garden in the east in Eden.  In the garden were two trees (the tree of knowledge and the tree of life).  Eden also had lots of trees from which they could eat.  Eden is the church.  Within the church is the garden with the two trees.  When man sinned, there was a separation where man could not enter the garden again.  There should be food in the church, like in Eden.  Back then people would bring the tithe, which was often food, and they would eat together. There should be food coming into your spirit in God’s house.  Genesis also says God “planted” Adam in the garden.  He wanted us planted in God’s presence and to dwell where God was going to dwell. 

There was also a river that divided into 4 rivers.  There is a river that should flow out of the church and branch into 4 branches—Shan, Gihan, Tigris, and Euphrates.  Each river represents 4 different parts of the Gospel that should flow out of the church and draw people into the church.  One represents salvation and forgiveness of sin.  One represents the idea of prosperity (remember this is health, wealth, joy, peace and being highly favored).  One represents success in all things.  Tigris means rapid and active.  Euphrates means fruitfulness.  Gihan means bursting forth like giving birth.  These things should be happening through the church.  There should be power flowing out of the church.

God put man in the garden to work it and take care of it.  To work in the garden is to perform the work of the church.  What is the work of the church?  It is to remind people that God has blessed us, that He is their strength and shield and is there for them.  It is to challenge people with the idea of grace and help them learn to say no to ungodliness.  Remember that the picture of Adam here is Jesus.  We are really a picture of Eve, the bride of Christ, and the helper.  When Eve is created, note that the word for rib actually means “half of.” 

After the fall, there was no way for man to go back into God’s presence.  John 19:31 is the account of the death and crucifixion of Jesus.  Jesus had no bones broken to fulfill prophecy.  They pierced him, fulfilling another prophecy, and there was a flow of blood and water.  This establishes the birth of the church age.  The flow of blood and water in birth of children.  The blood comes first to wash our sins away and allow us to have God dwell with us.  The water is the washing of the water of the Word.  Matthew 16 says that the rock on which the church is built is hearing the truth about who Jesus is.  Ephesians 2 and Exodus 30 establish a way for the priest to be made holy (anointing with oil), and that what was touched by what was holy was made holy.  The church is to be like that.  The church is not holy until the people come together and set foot in the church in order to make it holy.

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