Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 9

The key we are talking about today is being planted in God’s house.  Today we discussed what God wants the church to be.  Hebrews 7 is where we started.  This letter addressed the Jews who had become Christians and were going back to their foundation on the law as the way to salvation.  Genesis 14 recounts the original story of Melchizedek.  Along with a blessing Melchizedek brings bread and wine.  Part of the tradition of the temple after Abram was eating and getting food in the house.  The wine was a reminder of the blood covenant.  The priest (Jesus is the priest now) blessed the people.  Part of the role of the church is to speak blessing and remind people that they are equipped to run their race and have the covenant to protect them.  Abram then gave him a tenth.  If the church is doing what it is supposed to do, then its people are operating in blessing and thus feel compelled to offer something to God.

Numbers 6 tells the story of building the tabernacle.  There are also instructions about how the priests should bless the people.  This is the main purpose of the church.  Back in Hebrews 5,   Jesus knew who He was because God said so.  That should be the same with us.  Jesus is told He was a priest, despite note being a Levite (Melchizedek was not a Levite either).   Continuing from verse 7, we see that Christ suffered so that we could be delivered.  It does not mean we do not suffer, but it does mean that God will deliver us from it, and that the suffering is not inflicted by God, but removed by Him.  Verse 11 reminds us the God uses us despite the junk in our lives.  Living by grace takes time, prayer, and practice.  We need the church to help us.  Continuing into Hebrews 6, it seems to say that if we get a hold of righteousness, we can do far more than we could imagine (raising the dead is elementary?).  Grace qualifies us to do powerful things for God.  What builds God’s house and draws people in is power.

To listen to the entire sermon go to http://ahwatukeechurch.com/ and click on online media.  To learn more about Living Word Ahwatukee, visit http://ahwatukeechurch.com/