Monday, August 27, 2012

All We Need is Love

We started another mini-series this week.  We started in Numbers 33:55-56, where God tells the Israelites that if they do not drive the enemies out of the land (remember the promised land is now in our hearts) then they will have the fruit of those things.  We discussed our heart being separated like the temple, one section being the holy place, where our soul is, and then the holy of holies where God’s presence exists.  The things we will drive out are mostly in our soul. The soul includes our mind, will and emotions.  Our mind receives input and goes through the emotions (the flesh), then the will.  The mind listens most to the voice that is most familiar.  This is why we need to spend regular time with God so we know His voice better (remember Hebrews 3:10 from the previous series).  Mind, will and emotions are tools given by God to us.  They should not be altogether put down.


We focused on the fruit of the Spirit, especially love, from which all the others are derived.  Galatians 5:20-23 is where we spent much of our time.  God has given us His Spirit and the fruit in abundant, so we have all we need to live the life He has for us by pulling on what He has already given us.  The flesh will always have the same desires, but we have to teach it to submit to the Spirit (just as we teach our children to submit to us). 


Today we are focusing on drawing on God’s love in order to love others.  Galatians 5:13-14 reminds us that our purpose is to “serve one another in love.”  Only our spirit can love like God loves.  We can live with one command, love your neighbor as yourself.  1 John 4:13 and following describe the type of love God has for us and which we should have for others.  If “perfect love drives out fear,” then often lack of love indicates some type of fear.  Romans 5:8 shows the epitome of this.  When man outright rejected God, Jesus was sent to die for us.  God has given us the fruit of love so that we CAN love like He does.  None of us can do that of ourselves, but we have to let Him do it.  Ephesians 3:14 and on demonstrates that there is a connection between love and power.  We have to choose to submit to His Spirit and let His fruit flow from us.  The fruit of the Spirit is not a list of rules, but a list of tools available to us.  We have inside of us the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead!  That is powerful.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Go West Young Man Part 2

This week, we continued in our series called "Go West Young Man." We examined the entry into the Promised Land by the Israelites in the book of Joshua. Their physical entry into a physical place is a picture of the spiritual journey we are on.


In Joshua 3 we see the crossing of the Jordan River. They were told that they would be able to cross this river that was at flood stage by putting the Ark of the Covenant (Jesus) in front of them and stepping out into the river by faith in God's Word. When they did so, the river backed up and they walked across on dry land!  When we let Jesus lead us and direct our timing, we will always move toward victory and abundance.  Note that they crossed at flood stage.  At that time, the Ark of the Covenant was separated from the Israelites and could not be touched, even by the priests.  Now we have the presence of God in our hearts.  Also, the priests had to step out into the sea (they did not have to do this when they left Egypt—it backed up before they went in).  This was a test to see if they had progressed.


The name Jordan means "descender." The river ends in the Salt Sea (a.k.a. The Dead Sea).   The account of the crossing says that the river backed up in a heap all the way back to the town of Adam near Zarethan. Adam represents the original sin — the entry of sin into the world.  This is a picture that we in ourselves “descend” to death in sin.  This needs to be defeated in order for them to cross over. 


But, if you look at a map of the area in Joshua's day, you see that Zarethan is slightly upstream from Adam. This is significant because in Hebrew the name Zarethan means "pierced side." It is the pierced side of Jesus and the blood and water that flowed that cut off the flow of sin unto death.  Instead it is replaced with a flow of grace that allows us to enter into His promises without needing to earn them. We cannot enter into the Promised Land by the law.  Until we learn to operate in grace toward ourselves and others, we will never obtain the things in the Promised Land.  Note that it still has to initiate with the faith of man. 


The picture is completed when we see Jesus' baptism in Matthew 3. He comes to the Jordan River to be baptized. It is believed that he did so near the town of Bethany on the east side of the river (See John 1:28).  Jesus came from the west and crossed over to the east to be baptized.  He stepped out into the river just as the priests did with the Ark and, now in a spiritual sense, He was cutting off the effect of sin all the way back to Adam!  The Promised Land for us, remember is in our heart.  We have to step out in faith with Jesus in the lead in order to enter the Promised Land.  Then we still have to drive the junk out of our hearts in order to dwell in the Promised Land and eventually enter God’s rest.


The next thing God told them to do was to circumcise all the men (ouch!) at a place named “hill of the foreskins.” Noone had been circumcised in the wilderness, so they had to catch everyone up.  This was not some cruel, random command.  They had to go into battle after this.  (He did allow them to remain in camp until they all were healed.)  It was grounded in covenant. It was to serve as a reminder of the promise made to Abraham in Genesis 17.  More importantly it was symbolic in its location and physical result. 


Why THAT part of the body? It is because that is the part associated with producing and creating. God wanted His people to remember that, just like a man and woman in marriage, He is committed to us, and we create together. Israel had tried to produce on its own and ended up with 38 extra years in the wilderness. This time was going to be different. They were going to produce in conjunction with God! Now they would win!  God circumcises our hearts now so that we are marked as His by His presence in our hearts (Romans 2:28-29).


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Go West Young Man part 1

This week we piggybacked on our prior series about the rivers that should flow from the church into the world.  We talked a little prior to this about moving closer to God (west) rather than away (east) and our progression from slavery, through the wilderness, to the promised land and eventually into God’s rest as we grow as believers.  This week we discussed 6 signs we are living in the wilderness.  We started in Hebrews 3:10 through the end of chapter 4.   We read it in the amplified to understand the deeper meaning of this scripture.  Why does He say they were led astray in their hearts?   They didn’t really know God’s ways intimately.  They may have seen His work but did not deep down in their heart know God’s ways.  We are no different. 

Often when circumstances come at us, we question God when circumstances contrary to His word occur.  Entering the promised land is about obtaining the things that are there.  Once the enemies are defeated, we enter into God’s rest and maintain.  It does not mean we do nothing, but the battles are over.  Every once in a while someone tries to take it, but we have already won the victory.  A good example is Jesus sleeping through the storm in the boat, then waking up and telling the storm to be still.  Remember, all of us will encounter these 6 signs at times.  We just do not want to choose by our actions to dwell in the wilderness, but instead in the promised land.

#1 Blames God for their problems—We have been given dominion and authority, but we are to turn and ask Him to take care of things.  We can employ God’s power, use our own, or give it to the enemy.  The best thing to do is let go of the why.  It will always lead us to 2 bad answers.  John 10:10 is my litmus test to see whether something is from God or the enemy.  Is it stealing, killing or destroying, or life.  1 John 1:5 says there is NO darkness in God.  God can use the bad for good, but He does not cause it.  John 5:19 says Jesus only does what He see the Father doing.  Jesus healed ALL who came to Him and said that the person’s faith made them whole.  He never told them they needed to wait to learn something or hurt them saying it would help them grow.  Bad things happen, but God does not cause them.

#2 Continually Lacking Resources (not just financial)—How can we help others, if we only have just enough?

#3 Living Crisis to Crisis—trying in life is really nothing more than setting out wanting to succeed but expecting to fail. 

#4 Inability to Commit—God wants us fully engaged in whatever we are doing.

#5  Judgmentalism/unforgiveness—Along with #1, this is among the 2 most key signs.  This is the most prevalent.  This means morally judging the world.  Jesus loved sinners.  He did not go out telling them what they were doing wrong.  We also shouldn’t harshly judge Christians.  Judgmental people often have a lot of knowledge of the Word but have little understanding.  The only people Jesus treated harshly were people who were judgmental and attacked Him first.  We need to walk in the same grace for others that God has for us.  Often these people don’t believe they are right with God and have trouble forgiving themselves.

#6 Unfunded Sense of Purpose—They know they have a purpose and know God wants them to do it, but either never get around to doing it, or step out without preparation and fail.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Let the River(s) Flow Part 2

This week , we continued talking about going “west” meaning toward God, vs. “east” being away from God and the rivers of life coming from west out to the east to man.  We started in Leviticus 16 with instructions for the priests for the sin sacrifice.  They would sprinkle blood on the mercy seat as a temporary covering for sin for the people.  The instruction told the priest to go into the holy of holies, on the west side of the temple, and go to the west side of the ark of the Covenant and sprinkle the blood to the east.  This is significant because the power of the atonement of sin had to come from God, from the west side.  It could not come from man, from the east, if it was to be effective. 

I do want to say I am taking a lot of things from Pastor Jason’s Book, The Journey, so I encourage you to pick his book up.  It is possible to be saved but never go on the journey of really living in the promises.  The Egypt part of the journey is represented by Gihon, which means bursting forth, like birth.  When the Israelites left Egypt, not one was feeble or sick, and they left with the treasure of Egypt.  Then we get to the wilderness, represented by the Tigris, which refers to redeemed time.  The next place is the promised land, represented by Pishon, which means to increase and spread out.   Some people get stuck before they get to the promised land because conquering the giants is hard work.  Even that is not the destination.  The destination is God’s rest.  Is the promised land heaven?  Does heaven have giants to overcome?  No, that is not compatible with what heaven is.

This week we talked about the wilderness.  In the wilderness, if the people were obedient, their needs were met.  This is why it is easy for people to get stuck here.  They are happy to simply have their needs met.  If we get locked into wanting “just enough,” it is very selfish.  I can’t help anyone else if I just have enough (not just money, but energy, emotional strength, etc.).  When you have lack in any part of your life, you become self-centered.  Remember, in the wilderness, their needs were met only when they were completely obedient.  Then they would be in lack and grumble against God.  There is no abundance in the wilderness.  It then becomes a place of selfishness (Hebrews 5).  In the wilderness, we are like infants.  A baby is dependent on others to supply their needs and cannot help anyone.  Obtaining the promises is about having the resources to help others.  We don’t have resources in the wilderness.  Note that wilderness is not a bad place, but a necessary step to get to the promised land.  The Israelites were put in the wilderness to prepare them for the promised land.  If they were not prepared before they went to the promised land, they would be overtaken by the giants. 

There are “Numbers 13” moments that determine whether we cross over into the promised land or stay in the wilderness.  God does not set a timeframe for the wilderness.  The time we spend there mostly depends on us.  Jesus was there for 40 days.  He went to the wilderness and to the east for us, and came back victorious in 40 days.  The Israelites spent 40 years.  The distance they traveled should have taken a couple weeks.  Numbers 13, starting in verse 26, tells the account of the Israelites’ first chance to go into the promised land.  Numbers 14, starting with verse 22, shows the outcome of their fearful decision not to go.  That one decision cost the whole community, except Joshua and Caleb, their chance to go into the land.  The decisions we make determine how long we are in the wilderness.  God did not send things to test the Israelites.  They showed what they were ready for by their decisions.  There is a healthy amount of time to spend in the wilderness.  We have to learn some things there.  If He had let the original community in immediately, they would have been defeated.  When Joshua and Caleb went in, they were victorious. 

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Let the rivers Flow Part 1

We started last week talking about the rivers that flowed out of one river in Eden.  Genesis 2:10  gives this account.  The names (Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, Euphrates) are very significant.  Pishon means increase and success.  Gihon means bursting forth or giving birth.  That same stream was the one in which Solomon (the king who built the temple) was anointed.  The Hebrew word for Tigris means  rapid, active, and especially redeemed time.  Notice that most of the miracles we need require time.  The word for Euphrates means fruitful and prosperous (health, wealth, peace, joy and being highly favored).  The Hebrew word shalom means peace, nothing missing, nothing broken. 

Psalm 46:4  shows that God put man at the junction point of the rivers, giving us control of what goes out into the world.  Satan took over and became the distribution post for what goes out into the world, contaminating or cutting off the flow of these streams.  Genesis 3:24 we see that when man is driven out of the garden (just the garden, not Eden), there is a sword placed at the east (meaning the garden was in the west end of Eden), which guards and seals off the riverhead.   Genesis 4:16 shows that when Cain kills his brother, he left the presence of God, leaves Eden and goes east.  In Genesis 13:11, when Abraham and Lot part ways, Lot goes East to Sodom and Gomorrah.  Abraham stays in the West.  When Lot flees when Sodom and Gomorrah, he was told to go to the mountains, but he decides to instead go to Zoar, which is east and is another problem.  Again he flees east to the mountains of Moab.  Some more terrible things happen, resulting in 2 children born to his daughters, which started the people of Moab.  The rivers are supposed to flow from the west to the east and fix all these things.  Jonah was in the west, and where God wanted him to go (Ninevah) was east.  God wants us moving west, but wants His message to go east.

Joshua 18 shows that the Hebrews have crossed the Jordan from the east to the west side into the promised land.  Gad, Reuben, and the half-tribe of  Manasseh chose to stay on the east side of the river.  Their choice did not make them not God’s people, but they were choosing not to live in the promises God provided.  Genesis 49 tells us about the tribe of Reuben.  Reuben is Jacob’s first-born son.  This tribe ends up being overtaken by nomads and leaving the land.  All those living on the east side still had to fight with the Israelites for the promised land but then went back to the east side. 

The church is supposed to be taking living water and sending it eastward, but we are to be moving westward.  The further west we travel in our relationship with God, the further east our influence can go.  West is nearer to God and east is farther from God.  The closer we are to God the more focused and clear our witness can be to those farthest from Him. 

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 10

We are continuing discussing what the church is designed to do.  Exodus 25 describes the making of the tabernacle.  The word for sanctuary here is Holy place.  God allowed man to make a holy place, thus the very clear instructions.  The word dwell (dwell among them) means to settle down, abide or reside.  In Genesis 2:8 we see where the design began.  God makes a garden in the east in Eden.  In the garden were two trees (the tree of knowledge and the tree of life).  Eden also had lots of trees from which they could eat.  Eden is the church.  Within the church is the garden with the two trees.  When man sinned, there was a separation where man could not enter the garden again.  There should be food in the church, like in Eden.  Back then people would bring the tithe, which was often food, and they would eat together. There should be food coming into your spirit in God’s house.  Genesis also says God “planted” Adam in the garden.  He wanted us planted in God’s presence and to dwell where God was going to dwell. 

There was also a river that divided into 4 rivers.  There is a river that should flow out of the church and branch into 4 branches—Shan, Gihan, Tigris, and Euphrates.  Each river represents 4 different parts of the Gospel that should flow out of the church and draw people into the church.  One represents salvation and forgiveness of sin.  One represents the idea of prosperity (remember this is health, wealth, joy, peace and being highly favored).  One represents success in all things.  Tigris means rapid and active.  Euphrates means fruitfulness.  Gihan means bursting forth like giving birth.  These things should be happening through the church.  There should be power flowing out of the church.

God put man in the garden to work it and take care of it.  To work in the garden is to perform the work of the church.  What is the work of the church?  It is to remind people that God has blessed us, that He is their strength and shield and is there for them.  It is to challenge people with the idea of grace and help them learn to say no to ungodliness.  Remember that the picture of Adam here is Jesus.  We are really a picture of Eve, the bride of Christ, and the helper.  When Eve is created, note that the word for rib actually means “half of.” 

After the fall, there was no way for man to go back into God’s presence.  John 19:31 is the account of the death and crucifixion of Jesus.  Jesus had no bones broken to fulfill prophecy.  They pierced him, fulfilling another prophecy, and there was a flow of blood and water.  This establishes the birth of the church age.  The flow of blood and water in birth of children.  The blood comes first to wash our sins away and allow us to have God dwell with us.  The water is the washing of the water of the Word.  Matthew 16 says that the rock on which the church is built is hearing the truth about who Jesus is.  Ephesians 2 and Exodus 30 establish a way for the priest to be made holy (anointing with oil), and that what was touched by what was holy was made holy.  The church is to be like that.  The church is not holy until the people come together and set foot in the church in order to make it holy.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 9

The key we are talking about today is being planted in God’s house.  Today we discussed what God wants the church to be.  Hebrews 7 is where we started.  This letter addressed the Jews who had become Christians and were going back to their foundation on the law as the way to salvation.  Genesis 14 recounts the original story of Melchizedek.  Along with a blessing Melchizedek brings bread and wine.  Part of the tradition of the temple after Abram was eating and getting food in the house.  The wine was a reminder of the blood covenant.  The priest (Jesus is the priest now) blessed the people.  Part of the role of the church is to speak blessing and remind people that they are equipped to run their race and have the covenant to protect them.  Abram then gave him a tenth.  If the church is doing what it is supposed to do, then its people are operating in blessing and thus feel compelled to offer something to God.

Numbers 6 tells the story of building the tabernacle.  There are also instructions about how the priests should bless the people.  This is the main purpose of the church.  Back in Hebrews 5,   Jesus knew who He was because God said so.  That should be the same with us.  Jesus is told He was a priest, despite note being a Levite (Melchizedek was not a Levite either).   Continuing from verse 7, we see that Christ suffered so that we could be delivered.  It does not mean we do not suffer, but it does mean that God will deliver us from it, and that the suffering is not inflicted by God, but removed by Him.  Verse 11 reminds us the God uses us despite the junk in our lives.  Living by grace takes time, prayer, and practice.  We need the church to help us.  Continuing into Hebrews 6, it seems to say that if we get a hold of righteousness, we can do far more than we could imagine (raising the dead is elementary?).  Grace qualifies us to do powerful things for God.  What builds God’s house and draws people in is power.

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Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 7

Today’s key is being grounded in God’s word.  What does grounded mean?  A tree is grounded…it will not be shaken.  It may sway and bend in windstorms (like palm trees) but will not break.  We do not preach that storms do not come, but that we go through them and are not destroyed by them.  There are 3 things you can be grounded in:  Truth, Lies, or Nothing.  We are first going to determine what kind of ground you are.  Mark 4 tells the parable of the sower.  We are going to contrast the descriptions of the soil with Jesus’ explanations.

The first is the seed sown by the path, which is eaten by birds.  Jesus explains this as satan stealing the word.  I think the soil along the path is someone who is always moving around and never planted anywhere.  We have to learn to dig our roots in, not get offended, understand that no church is going to be perfect, and be planted somewhere.  Plants that are portable, like a potted plant, can only grow so big because the space for their roots is limited.  Sometimes God will tell you to move, but we should always make sure it is God telling us to go and that we leave in good standing (whether it be a church, job, etc.). 

The seed in rocky soil that withers is what I would call “faith by association.”  Some people feel certain things should be happening because of the church we are attending, or because we simply attend church or follow certain rules.  Sometimes when things then do not work, we blame someone or something else.  We never take the word deep enough to be personal.  The seed among thorns that are choked and made unfruitful.  Notice all these are related to us and what ground we choose to be.  These people get choked before the word produces fruit.  Often it is right before the fruit was going to produce.    

What does it mean to be good soil?  Our soil gets contaminated by hearing things other than the Word.  God wants us to hear what He says in order to multiply and produce fruit.  The Word tills our soil.  The seed then gets under the ground, the soil is soft and ready to receive the roots and allow the seed to sprout and last.  The Word (the seed) is always good, but the soil varies.  We all have parts of our soil that are  better and patches that are worse.  We always need to work on improving our soil.  Our soil does not become good on its own.  We must use the Word to change our soil. 

Additionally, what we are grounded in affects the quality of our soil.  Let’s explore grounds in electrical terns.  Exposed metal pieces are connected to a ground to prevent contact with dangerous voltage.  Voltage in our life is information.  There is good and bad information.  A good ground limits the buildup of static electricity when near volatile and flammable products.  A ground can absorb an unlimited amount of current without changing its potential.  You ground electricity to earth.  We are to be grounded to God’s Word.  Psalm 1 talks about how we should be.  We are not to be controlled or guided by the world’s wisdom but to delight in the Word of God.

James talks about accepting the word planted in us with humility.  That means sometimes we get a Word that is different than what we thought and have to let it change us. 

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 6

Today we are talking about the key of living a lifestyle of generosity and service as a key to operating in the blessing.  Proverbs 11:24 is a key verse to consider.  It says that those that give freely prosper.  Notice that the part about withholding mentions withholding “unduly”.  There is a time where it is wise to withhold.  Prosperity in the Hebrew includes health, wealth, joy, peace and highly favored.  It is not just material/financial prosperity.  Proverbs 22:9 is another key verse.  Matthew 6:19 is important as well.  Note that it does not say “do not store up treasures” but that it says not to store it up FOR YOURSELF.  You can have things, but things shouldn’t have you.  You should never have anything that you would not give if God says to give it, you would not give.  If we store up things, then when God calls us to do something, we can. Moth and rust destroy things that are sitting and not being used.  This verse also says that if we want to see something improve or change  in our heart, we should put treasure there in order to see it improve. 

The next part of this is being a servant.  Jesus Himself said He came to serve.  We need to be both giving financially, serving, and carrying one another’s burdens.  Galatians 6:2 supports this as well.  If everyone implemented these things, the church would never be in lack, financially or in need for people to serve.

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Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 5

This is the third week of talking about the key of trusting in God in order to operate in the blessing.  Romans 12:1 and forward talks about us renewing our mind.  We can only operate based on the input into our mind, so we have to reprogram our mind to operate more in tune with God’s word.  The ideal is that we have so much input from the Word that our natural reaction is straight from the Word, like muscle memory for an athlete or musician which allows them to run on automatic.  

Hebrews 3:1 urges us to take the time and effort to fix our thoughts on Jesus, the Word.  We stumble in our faith because our faith becomes our ability to believe and receive.  The faith we need is in the fact that Jesus is inside of us and is the author and finisher of our faith.  The victory has already occurred, but we have to know that before we will see it.  Our minds and eyes will have to keep fixed on Him in order to do it.

Hebrews 11 and Hebrews 3:12 shows that us having faith instead of unbelief is key to living in the promises.  Complete confidence in God’s word will result in reactions and actions that reflect this.  Hebrews was written to Jews who had received Jesus and fallen back into their old ways of thinking and acting. 

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pastor Jason Anderson—Guest Speaker

Pastor Jason was our guest this week.  He asked what we need and suggested that often we wait for something we “need” in order to be happiness.  Happiness should be something we can choose anytime.  What you need isn’t the thing, but what you need is what will bring the results in your life.  Once we are born again, we need the wisdom of God and the power of God.  The wisdom of God tells us what the right decision is.  One thing we need in society is individual, clear direction. Sometimes we need the power of God to overcome circumstances.  In Judges 6, Gideon is caught in a human moment.  God chooses the most unlikely of candidates.  He has a lot of doubt (he asks for a sign from God 4 times).    

Isaiah 7: 14 promises us the sign we want.  Matthew 12:39 tells us of a time when Jesus was asked for a sign.  Why wouldn’t God give us a sign when we ask?  Because it is a flawed question.  We are to believe before we see.  That is faith—I haven’t seen the result yet but I believe it.  Faith comes by hearing, not by miracles.  The sign Jesus promised was His burial and resurrection.  The cross was a symbol of terror, suffering, punishment and fear.  It has now become a symbol of sacrifice, hope, love, and faith.  The cross is also a place we can go.  1 Corinthians 1:17 says everything we receive from God will come through the cross.  The sacrifice of the cross is the center of the wisdom of God.   Isaiah 53:4 and Colossians 2:13 show us the power of the cross.

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Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 4

Last week we talked about faith as a key to operating in the blessing.  Today we are talking about the role of confession in operating in the blessing.  We talked about natural faith (faith in our faith, confessing to have it), vs God-like faith (confessing to help change our believe and know that it has already been done).  Romans 12:2 says we are to be ruled by what is inside of us, rather than what we see/sense outside.  Romans 10:17 says faith comes by hearing the word of God.  Confession is not convincing God to do something, but to convince ourselves that the Word is true.  Your spirit believes more than anyone else, so speaking to yourself is important.    

Hebrews 3:1 says to fix our thoughts on Jesus.  Hebrews 12:2 says to fix our eyes on Jesus.  What do these statements mean?  What we see and what we think about must be fixed on Jesus.  Our flesh is addressed in the eyes and our soul is addressed in our thoughts.  Our soul is our mind, will, and emotions.  The will is what we control by controlling the input that goes in.  We do not change the will.  It changes things.  By fixing our eyes and thoughts on Jesus, we are giving the will nothing but good input.  John 1:1 says Jesus is the Word.  If we keep our thoughts and eyes on the Word, we will be going in the right direction.  When we see God’s Word come to pass is when we finally believe it has already come to pass.  We all have some areas where this flows freely and others where it does not. 

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 3

Today we are talking about faith as a key to operating in the blessing.  Anything that is truly blessing can only come from God.  Everything from God operates by faith.  We obtain grace through faith, then we function in the blessing by love. Faith is having full confidence in God.  Abraham considered Him faithful who made the promise.  We want to be like that.

James 2:14 and forward shows the balance that comes in our faith walk.  One extreme is name it claim it ( I believe it, I get it), and one is leaning entirely on your own works for what you get (God blesses the work of our hands, but it is not the only way God blesses us).    Sometimes we just have to believe and other times we have to set our hand diligently to things (step out and start moving and trust God to steer you).

There are two types of faith.  Natural faith is believing in yourself.  It is based in the natural.  It will work sometimes but not always.  This is not the kind of faith that moves mountain.  Here our faith is in our faith and our ability to believe.  This is “praying and believing for God to do this” instead of believing God already did it.  Instead of trying to get God move, we are supposed to get on board with God and see done what has already been done for us.  The other type of faith is God-like faith.  Luke 17:20,  1 Timothy 1:14, and  John 15:4-8 say that we are in and surrounded by Christ, and He is in us as well.  What is God kind of faith.  When He created the universe, did He wonder whether it would happen when He spoke it?  We are required to believe the Word is true and act like it is true.  Confession of the scripture is important in order to change what is inside of us (our thoughts and beliefs), so it is easier for us to believe.  When mountains in your life move and give you victory as a result of faith in God, it brings glory to God.  My trust is not in my strength, but in the fact that Christ is in me.  God gave you enough faith to overcome whatever may come at you in life.  He knows what will come against you.

I can prove to you that you have God kind of faith.  1 John 5 says that if we know you have eternal life and are saved then we have that kind of faith.  We just need to apply it to the rest of God’s word.  If you can be talked out of what you believe, it was natural faith.  A fact is truth based on what is known.  Facts can change.   The truth of God’s word does not change.  We pull on the God faith Jesus planted in us.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Mother’s Day—Moms Who Changed the World

1 Samuel 1 tells about Hannah, the mother of Samuel (who eventually anointed King David).  They are going to the Feast of Tabernacles, which was to celebrate and remember God’s provision when they were in the wilderness before they came to the promised land, and to thank God for God’s blessing to make their land fruitful for the coming year.  But Hannah is barren, which at that time was considered a curse.  Hannah was being teased by Peninah, who was jealous of her husband’s love for her despite her having no children.  Hannah makes a vow to God that if she has a son, she will give Him back to God all his life (usually priests served age 25-50 only).  It mentions her moving her lips and not speaking.  In Numbers 23, it says a woman’s father or husband can nullify her vow if they hear it and disagree.  So she does not want him to disagree.  Eli makes sure she has not been drinking (the Bible says not to make a vow when you have been drinking).  He prays that God would grant her what she wants.  She got pregnant and called him Samuel—2 words meaning “God” of “of God” and “to hear” or “cause to hear”.  She named her child “I asked, and God gave.”

The next woman we are going to look at is Sarah.  Again, she had to have patience and faith to see God’s promises come to pass.  Exodus 2 tells the story of Moses’ mother.  She has courage to defy the king in order to protect her child.  The word for the basket she put Moses in is only used one other time, for the ark, God’s protection for Noah and his family.  She figures out how to save Moses AND take care of him.  Her name in Hebrew is “Jehovah is honored.”

The last is Mary, the mother of Jesus.  She was willing to be stoned or ostracized in order to see Jesus born. 

To listen to the entire sermon go to and click on online media.  To learn more about Living Word Ahwatukee, visit