Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Blessing Part 2

 We are continuing our study of the blessing.  Remember that our working definition for blessing is the ability to attract the resources needed to fulfill your purpose.  From the beginning, in the garden, God gave the blessing first, then the assignment, then the resources in order to complete it.

Today we are discussing how we access the blessing.  Deuteronomy 28 sets out the blessings afforded those who “fully obey the law” and curses for those who do not.  Notice the blessings will “accompany you” (always be with you), and that the curses will “come upon you and overtake you.”  With the law, if you broke one law you broke them all.  You had to FULLY obey and achieve righteousness in order to receive the blessing.  We as Christians have to wash everything in the Old Testament and see it through the cross.  Jesus changed the principles through which things on the earth operated (God did not change).  Galatians 3 addresses this challenge as Jewish Christians tried to reconcile this change in the early church.  God loves us unconditionally and has provided His grace and blessing not contingent on what we do or do not do.  Again, this is like grace in that it is based on our heart attitude.  If we are truly seeking God, then we can walk in confidence.  Verse 7 shows another way to achieve righteousness, by believing God.  This indicates, since Abraham was before the law, that grace and blessing existed before the law.  Our righteousness comes through Christ and believing in Him and the blessing coming through Him and not through us.

When we fail, sometimes we cease trusting in Christ’s righteousness and begin to believe in our own righteousness.  That is why we experience the consequences from the law.  Galatians 3:10 addresses this.  If we see obeying the law as our way to be delivered from the curse, we are still cursed.  Galatians 3:11 and on shows the new system by which we are to live.  Jesus became the curse for us.  Most of live in both realms.  We have areas in which we have fully submitted to God, but there are others where we believe that when we mess up, we believe that we lose the blessing and/or are subject to punishment.  The means to getting the blessing did not change, but the means to attaining righteousness changed.  Galatians 3:14 is key for this.  Colossians 1:12 says God has qualified us, not that we became qualified somehow.  We need to believe the blessing is ours, then utilize grace which gives us the power to change and overcome.  We must change our beliefs to change our actions. 1 Corinthians 10:16 (I prefer the King James, because the translation is more accurate) says “The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ; the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ.”  (NIV changes blessing to thanksgiving, which is not an accurate translation).  The word for blessing here is  eulozia, which is the root of the word eulogy, which is about saying all the great things about someone.  It is the same word for blessing as in Galatians 3:14,  It is an  action word meaning blessing is continually rising up in you.  The blood is the access to the blessing.  We have to live in grace in order to access the blessing.  If I don’t get blood to a part of my body, it dies.  The blood cleans and cleanses our body, as well as bringing oxygen and life to it.  When we choose to live by the law, we are cut off from the blood (and the blessing) and then are subject to the curse.

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