Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Blessing part 1

This is the first of a subseries in the Good Life about the Blessing.  We just finished talking about grace and how to receive and live in it.

Remember that first we need to remember that God must always be the first priority in our lives for everything to be in order.  Family, children, work, ministry, and other things should come next.  What we value is important to evaluate.  We want to be careful not to value something more than it ought to be valued, or things will become out of order.  We should value our relationship with God first, then our marriage and children.  These should be higher than the value we put on our golf clubs.  We are teaching what the blessing is, how to enter into it, receive it, enjoy it, and keep it.  Genesis 1:28  says that the first thing God does after creating Adam and Eve is to bless them and then give them an assignment (be fruitful and multiply).  In anything we want to experience blessing, we should be producing fruit and multiplying in those areas.  After that, Adam and Eve are told all that belongs to them.  The blessing provides the resources to complete the assignment.  The blessing is not good stuff given to you just so you can sit and enjoy (although we are supposed to enjoy it), but its purpose is for us to use it to work.  The word for bless is barak (used 330 times in the Old Testament and 60 times in genesis, and the Greek equivalent logio or logia is used in the New Testament about 200 times—total of 510 times total….compared to the word love, which is used 505 times in the Bible). 

In Genesis 26, starting in verse 1, we hear about Isaac in the time of a severe famine.  In verse 12, we see that he planted crops in the middle of the famine and in the same year reaped a hundred fold.  Why did he reap this harvest?  Because he was a good farmer or great man of God?  No, it is because of God’s blessing in His life.  The blessing is not the stuff, but the means by which you get the stuff.  We are to seek the kingdom and the face of God, not the things He will give us.  The blessing was the way that God blessed the work of Isaac’s hands in order for him to get the hundred fold return.  First comes blessing, then action, then fruit.  Just like when we receive the Word, believe it, do what we believe, then reap based on what we did based on what we believe.  Then it goes on to say he was rich and continued to grow in riches until he was wealthy.  People envy him and even fill his wells with dirt.  Just because your blessed it does not mean you won’t have trouble.  They even ask him to leave.

Blessing is defined as the supernatural God-given ability to draw the resources to obey God, to accomplish your God-given race, and experience pleasure, enjoying all that God has given you.  1 Timothy 6:17 is a great example of this in scripture.  God gets pleasure out of seeing us enjoy the things He blesses us with, so that part is very important.  If we are doing it on our own or the world’s system, there will be trouble that comes along these things.  If we do it God’s way, we will be able to enjoy it and bring Him pleasure and glory by doing so.

In Genesis 25 we see how Esau did not value the blessing.  Jacob valued the blessing.  He did not obtain it the way he should have.  In Genesis 32 we see Jacob wrestling with God (only God has the authority to give blessing), and he finally understands that the blessing comes from God, not from man.  If we step outside of the blessing or try to accomplish His purpose by our own means, we run into trouble.  We have to seek after the blessing and hold fast in order to receive it.

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