Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Unstuck Part 8—Unstuck in Relationships, last part of series

You can tell a lot about a person by the people with whom we associate.  So in order to follow God and follow His will in our life we want the kind of relationships God desires.  Some people say we can just be us and God, but God created Adam and Eve in the garden for relationships.  Ecclesiastes 4 speaks of the power of relationships in our lives to help us up when we fall.   That means we need the people in our lives who WILL help lift us up.  If you are frustrated about not having the relationship you want, consider whether you are pushing people away without knowing they are.  This has a root in fear of letting people really know who they are or fear of rejection.  Look and see whether you are sometimes pushing people away.  Building the friendships takes time.

Unstuck Factor #1—Abandon Unhealthy Relationships

We need to examine the relationships we have because that influences who we become.  Are they drawing me closer to God, pulling me away, or neutral?  We don’t necessarily need to cut the unhealthy relationships completely off, but we still need to set a boundary with them.  We spend more time with those drawing us closer to God and less with those pulling me away.  We want to teach our kids this as well.  I saw numerous young people while a youth pastor who started hanging out with the wrong crowd and later started doing things they shouldn’t.  While growing up, there was a popular kid named Brian with whom I wanted to be friends.  My mom told me absolutely not.  In high school, it turned out he got into serious trouble just as my mom predicted.  You as the parent know when something is not right.

Unstuck Factor #2—Be a good friend first

Become a good friend in order to attract good friends.  Proverbs 17:9 says we should cover offenses rather than exposing them and avoid gossip.  When we want to impress someone we talk bad about someone we think they don’t like.  Instead, we should hear them talk bad and say “I would rather not talk about that.  I don’t like to do that.”  Proverbs 17:17 says “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”  Become the friend who sees someone is going through a tough time and offers help rather than pointing out what they did wrong to everyone else.

Unstuck Factor #3—Connect with new Christian friends

Not every person in your life needs to be a Christian, but your closest friends should be.  Especially you should find someone who is a few steps farther along than you are or has conquered an area you want to conquer.  Find someone who is going the direction you are, and they will help you go there.  This is the idea of being equally yoked.  Proverbs 27:17 says “As iron sharpens iron, so one man shapes another.”  We want people in our lives who challenge and sharpen us.  We need to be near people in order to allow them to sharpen us.  One way to do this is to serve in the church.  This is partly how I got to know my wife.  We were in a college and career class and were able to observe and learn about each other as we served and learned together.

Unstuck factor #4—Devote ourselves to the most important friendship

The first thing we need to do to get unstuck in relationships is get the first relationship (that with Jesus) right.  Romans 5:10 and John 15:12 (and forward) say we are God’s friends and no longer His enemies.  Jesus died so we could be friends with God.  We need to accept His friendship and lay our lives down for Him first.  In Ephesians it says God reveals the innermost secrets to us.  That is the sign of a close friend.  That’s the kind of intimacy God desires with us.  God already knows the innermost things about us, but He still enjoys us telling Him deep things about us because it is deepening our relationship with Him.  He is our BFF (best friend forever).

To listen to the entire sermon go to http://ahwatukeechurch.com/ and click on online media.  To learn more about Living Word Ahwatukee, visit http://ahwatukeechurch.com/.