Monday, August 6, 2012

Keys to Operating in the Blessing Part 6

Today we are talking about the key of living a lifestyle of generosity and service as a key to operating in the blessing.  Proverbs 11:24 is a key verse to consider.  It says that those that give freely prosper.  Notice that the part about withholding mentions withholding “unduly”.  There is a time where it is wise to withhold.  Prosperity in the Hebrew includes health, wealth, joy, peace and highly favored.  It is not just material/financial prosperity.  Proverbs 22:9 is another key verse.  Matthew 6:19 is important as well.  Note that it does not say “do not store up treasures” but that it says not to store it up FOR YOURSELF.  You can have things, but things shouldn’t have you.  You should never have anything that you would not give if God says to give it, you would not give.  If we store up things, then when God calls us to do something, we can. Moth and rust destroy things that are sitting and not being used.  This verse also says that if we want to see something improve or change  in our heart, we should put treasure there in order to see it improve. 

The next part of this is being a servant.  Jesus Himself said He came to serve.  We need to be both giving financially, serving, and carrying one another’s burdens.  Galatians 6:2 supports this as well.  If everyone implemented these things, the church would never be in lack, financially or in need for people to serve.

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