Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Good Life Part 5

We are continuing on grace today.  John 14 is Jesus’ “last will and testament” to His disciples.  He says He is leaving us His peace.  This is Shalom peace—also translated as prosperity, and means “nothing missing and nothing broken in your life.”  It also means you have health, wealth, joy, peace, and are highly favored.  This peace helps us understand our purpose and operate in it.  Jesus was never worried when something threatened His destiny.  He was always in control of His destiny and never was at the mercy of anyone else.  He even said they could not take His life from Him unless He gave us.

Today we are focusing on the phrase “Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.”  Perfect love casts out fear.  There is no fear in love.  Joshua 1:8 encourages us not to fear or be discouraged.  Proverbs 4:23 encourages us to keep healthy boundaries in our life, because what we allow into our heart determines our future.  If we let fear into our heart, our boundaries get smaller, and we limit our potential.  If we let Christ in our heart, our boundaries become limitless.  Proverbs 3:4-6 says that as we trust in God, He makes our path straight.  Straight does not mean easy, but it does mean direct.  A straight path can go over mountains and through valleys, but it won’t meander around aimlessly.  We can either have faith in God or accept fear and have faith in what I do not want to happen.  Facts can change, but the truth does not.  What exactly is our heart?  The heart is our soul—our mind, will and emotions.  We defeat fear by keeping our heart from being troubled.

We have never seen our face, but we trust that the mirror shows us accurately what we look like.  Thus we should also trust that God’s Word accurately tells us who we are.  You may have been abused or been through very tough things inflicted by someone else.  That person is accountable for what they did, but you are accountable for what you do moving forward.  This is not meant to discount what you went through, but God wants you to attach to His word and move forward into your destiny.  We are to forget what is behind and press forward.  If God can forget our sin, then we with the mind of Christ can truly forget those hurtful things that happened to us and move forward as if they never happened.  Instead of going back looking for stuff that may have caused problems you experience today, just focus on who you are today.  We are new creatures in Christ.  1 Peter 5:8-10 we see that the enemy is going about pretending he is a lion, looking for those who will believe his lies and believe he can devour them.  Go back to verse 6-7.  It reminds us to cast our cares on Christ so we can be self-controlled and alert.

I believe we create what we speak.  Satan also gathers information about us by what we speak in order to attack us successfully.  I speak the Word in order to convince myself and let the enemy know He can’t attack me.  We need to get to the point where our first reaction when an attack is to go to the Word.  Then we know we’ve have defeated fear in that area.  When the enemy attacked Jesus after fasting for 40 days, Jesus used the Word to defeat him.  If we try to live by the law, we will be subject to it, and the enemy will enforce it.  Once we get into faith and grace, we step out of Satan’s system.

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