Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Good Life Part 3

We are continuing our section on grace.  Remember that grace operates when our heart desires to do the right thing.  Yes, when we sin we do it willfully and mean to do it but if our general character is a desire not to sin, that is where grace comes in.  Grace is the unmerited, unearned, undeserved favor of God.  The stuff is not the blessing, it’s the fruit of the blessing.  The blessing is operating in a place where we are open to receive, but we are not seeking stuff.  If  we’re not operating blessing to blessing, we are experiencing a breakdown in grace. John 1:16 says that the law and grace and truth are opposed.  The law was not God’s ultimate plan for us.  The law came through Moses, but grace and truth came through Christ.  Numbers 20:7-12 and on tells the story of Moses’s mistake in bringing water to the Israelites.  He struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it as commanded.  Exodus 17 tells the story of the Israelites getting water when Moses strikes the rock after being commanded to do so.  Despite Moses making a mistake, the people still got the water out of God’s mercy.  The punishment seems pretty harsh, but we’ll explore this together.

The promised land was a physical place in the Old Testament.  It was the life God had for them, not just a place they went.  For us, the promised land is not a place we have to go, and it is not heaven.  It is the promised life, the life God has for us to live.  It requires a lot of work, applying principles, fighting off the enemy in order to obtain and keep it, just like with the Israelites.  The law could not get the Israelites into the promised land.  Joshua was the one who got them there because of the faith he and Caleb had in God’s ability to give them the land.  Faith gets us into the promised land.

Romans 4:1-13 says righteousness was not attainable until the law came, and until it was given as a gift in Christ.  There was no vehicle by which to obtain righteousness in Abraham’s time except to believe.  The man who does not work to obtain salvation but trusts God obtains it.  There is nothing we can do to be justified before God, except to believe. This requires faith (faith in His grace) because it makes no sense to us.   The law was created to give definitions for sin.  The Mosaic law was meant to be an accurate interpretation of the Law (God’s law). 

In Galatians 3:1-6, Paul addresses a group of Christianized Jews and addresses their desire to go back to the law as their reference point for attaining God’s favor rather than receiving grace by faith.  He again references Abraham and the fact that we can inherit Abraham’s blessings.  We have to receive this by faith.

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