Monday, February 17, 2014

Be Like Abe Part 6

This week, we finished the “Be Like Abe” series. We FINALLY got to the point of what it was that Abraham believed that God credited to him as righteousness. Before we got there, we looked at some of the things Abraham had done that, by the law, would have disqualified him.  Romans 4:13-15 tells us that where there is no law there is no transgression. Abraham lived before there was law to define transgressions. His mistakes still caused problems, as sin always does, but his mistakes did not change his right standing before God or his ability to be blessed by God.


In Genesis 12:1, God tells Abraham to leave his family and go to the land He would show him. Then, three verses later, we find that he takes his nephew Lot along. This decision causes a lot more trouble than God ever intended, but it did not change Abraham’s standing with God or the blessing he would receive.  Then, later in the same chapter, in verses 10-20, we find that Abraham, in fear for his own life, lied to Pharaoh about his wife. He says that she is his sister. If she were known to be his wife, he thinks they could kill him to take her. Keep in mind that she was 65 years old at this time, but so beautiful that a ruler would want her. Abraham turned his wife over to Pharaoh, and in return gets blessed with herds and servants.  God causes a disease to come onto Pharaoh and his household that keeps Sarah (Sarai the time) from being touched. Long story short, Pharaoh gave Abraham his wife back and sends him on his way blessed. Can you imagine what Sarah had to say to Abraham when they were reunited?

We also looked at Genesis 16 and found that Abraham went along with the suggestion of his wife who believed that she could not conceive a child as God had promised. She suggested Abraham lie with her maidservant Hagar. Abraham did not refuse. Out of this action cane the child, Ishmael. This decision is probably one of the greatest mistakes made my any man since Adam eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden—its repercussions are still felt today.

Then, in chapter 20, Abraham tells the same lie about Sarah being his sister (for the same purpose of saving his own life) to another ruler, Abimelech. God causes a similar thing to happen to Abimelech as He had to Pharaoh, so that he would be incapable of touching Sarah (who is now almost 75 years old and apparently still great looking).

In all of these things, we do not find a single time where God rebukes Abraham. Wow. That might be hard to believe, but I challenge you to read the stories yourself. You will not find God rebuking Abraham. Is this because God was okay with these actions? No! But, there was no law to define the trespass, so there was no penalty for the trespass – from God anyway. Again, each of these actions produced problems for Abraham that were not God’s plan.  They had repercussions but not in terms of Abraham’s relationship and standing with God.

We also looked at Romans 4. We must remember that, if we are in Christ and we receive His righteousness by faith, we also are no longer under law. Sin still produces unnecessary pain and trouble, but it does not have the power to cut us off from God or His blessing. Don’t misunderstand this message. Sin is not the way to blessing, but sin, or lack thereof, is not the determining factor that determines whether we receive blessing.

In verses 18-21, we see that the thing that Abraham believed that was credited as righteousness was that he was “full persuaded that God would do what He had promised.” That is what we have to do – believe that when God says something, He will do it. Most important is for us to believe that, when He says we have been made righteous by the blood of Jesus, He means it. Live your life like you truly believe you are righteous apart from works.  Then I firmly believe that grace will do its work in you, and you will slowly become transformed into His image. Sin’s power will break, and it will fade in your life. Living by law can never do that. All it will do is force us you to look holy and not be holy. Grace will change you at the heart level.

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