Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What Happened at the Cross Part 4

Last Sunday we continued the “What Happened at the Cross?” series. We discussed the significance of the piercing of His hands. Jesus’ hands and feet are the two things that are actually physically attached to the cross. I believe this brings additional emphasis to their importance.  First, consider that the hands nailed to that cross are the hands mentioned in Psalm 8 – whose work built the entire universe. He chose to allow them to be nailed to the cross for our sake! 

The hands are symbolic of our ability to produce. Part of the curse in Genesis 3:17-19 is that our work becomes tedious and grueling and fruitless. But Galatians 3:13 tells us that Jesus redeemed us from the curse – specifically the curse of the law. The law was all about fruitless work. The work under the law was never-ending.  Adam was given work to do before the curse.  Work was supposed to be productive and meaningful though.  Deuteronomy 28:1-13 describes a blessing for first the Jews and now us (as Jesus has made us partakers in the blessing of Abraham). First, in verses 1 and 2, there is a qualifier to this blessing - -that we are fully obedient to the law. None of them were and none of us are. But Jesus fulfilled the law for us and we are IN HIM.

 The first six verses describe things that we work at and produce that God will bless. Starting at verse seven, the focus shifts to what the Lord will do. Verse 8 specifically that there will be a blessing upon everything you put your hand to. No longer should we suffer from fruitlessness in our work.   There are thoughts and beliefs about our ability to produce that must change. Stop accepting wasted time and effort as being the norm in life! Next, make it part of your daily prayer to ask God to show you what you can put your hand to that He can prosper.

 Deuteronomy 8:18 says He has given us the ability to produce wealth – wealth in all areas. This includes finance, but also health, relationships, peace. He wants this in your life for two specific reasons. One is that it shows the world that He is a good God and a God of His Word. Deuteronomy 28:10 says that this blessing is so that all the peoples of the earth will see that we are called by His name. Learning to live the blessed life and having our work be fruitful glorifies God.

 Secondly, the blessing is not about us as much as it is about others. Ephesians 4:28 says that we should work diligently to produce increase so that we can share with those in need. Trust me, you can never outgive God. When you choose to set your hand to things to bring increase for the purpose of being able to be more generous (and you actually do that), blessing will come into your life faster than you can give it away.   I’ve often heard people say that they have no desire for financial increase, and they are happy with a meager lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with a meager lifestyle as long as you are doing it for the right reasons – not pride (I’m not like all those evil, materialistic people…). Doing it for the wrong reason is just as bad as being greedy and self-centered. You are just doing it differently. But if you honestly want nothing to do with any kind of wealth, then give it all away.  The thing is that as you give it all away, God will continue to increase you for your generosity, so that you have more to give.  Blessing in your life will confirm to others that God’s covenant is over you (Ephesians 4:22-28).

 Of course this is NOT all about money. However, that part of “wealth” is the one we really struggle with and can be unsure of. Get on fire for building the things of God’s kingdom and seek Him for things to set your hand to that will bring increase!  I have started asking God when the day starts to show me if there is anything He wants me to put my hand to, so that I can be open to additional blessing He has for me in that day.


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