Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Goodness and Faithfulness

Last Sunday we talked about the "fruits" of goodness and faithfulness. Remember that these are the fruit of the Spirit. By all means, we should exhibit goodness and faithfulness to the best of our ability. But we also know that there is none good but God. What we talked about helped explain why that is the case.

We started at Psalm 23 where it says “Surely goodness and love (mercy) shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord all my life.”  Goodness and mercy have to follow us to clean up our messes and pick us up when we fall.  In the Old Testament, there are two Hebrew words generally that have been translated as goodness. The first is towb and the second is tuwb. In English, the only difference appears to be one letter. In fact, they are both very similar in defining goodness. The biggest difference is that towb defines the good things of this world while tuwb defines the same things, but in relation to God — or God's goodness. Towb can come and go, but tuwb is unchangeable.  In both cases, though, good means good.

In Romans 2: 4 and following, we see the results of goodness in our lives. God does not have a different definition of good than we do. Pain, loss and suffering are not good by God's standards. Something good may come in the end, but that is simply God redeeming the situation when we give it to Him.  This is towb, earthly goodness.  Sometimes it is consistent, but other times strange things happen. We looked at Joshua 23:14, where we find Joshua near the end of his life. Looking back, he is reminded and is reminding the people that God has ALWAYS been faithful and ALWAYS kept ALL His promises. God's faithfulness is what makes Him good.  This is the essence of tuwb.

No man is good because none of us has been 100% faithful. We have all said things that were not true or failed to do what we have promised. But God is always faithful to His Word. Faithfulness is not faithfulness if it is randomly applied. If God was not always faithful to His Word, He would not be faithful at all.  Sometimes we think that some people seem to have hit the lottery of God's goodness that we never seem to hit. But God's promises are not a randomly applied thing. Trust in Him and live by His principles and the promises will come to pass. There are a lot of things in us that keep us from fully trusting in His Word and many areas where we do not live by His principles. God’s grace should be continually teaching us to say no to ungodliness and YES to the His principles, more and more each day.  But He is always faithful and He is always good.

We also looked at the story in the book of Ruth. There are so many amazing pictures in this story that help us understand our relationship with God, through Christ. But what we focused on was that God was faithful to Naomi despite any mistakes her family had made. Her family left Bethlehem and traveled EAST to Moab during a famine (see previous messages for significance). Eventually, what was left of the family returned and found tremendous blessing.  Obedience to God does not guarantee you will not experience times of famine in your life. Disobedience also does not bring famine as a punishment from God. Famine is part of life in this world. What our level of obedience does is determine how hard the road through the famine will be (or IF and when and HOW we get through it).

While man is, himself, not good, we have the Spirit inside of us who is. If we pull on what is inside of us and allow Him to work through us, we can do truly good things. In our own strength we can do what seems good, but in the end can do more harm than good. The Spirit will always lead us to do what is truly good.

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To listen to the entire sermon go to and click on online media. To learn more about Living Word Ahwatukee, visit