Monday, March 10, 2014

Oil and Water Part 3

This week, we continued the “Oil & Water” series. We continued looking at the major contrasts between Old Covenant or law living and New Covenant or grace living. In this part we discussed the following:

 5) OLD COVENANT – The blood of animals provided temporary atonement.

NEW COVENANT – Jesus’ blood removed sins – past, present and future.

 To illustrate this contrast, we read Hebrews 10. One of the things we may struggle with in the forgiveness of sins is that it was past, present and future. We probably have no difficulty believing the past sins were forgiven and that today we are forgiven, but we have a hard time believing my future sins are forgiven.  Do not misunderstand me:  we  still must ask for forgiveness in order to be forgiven. Forgiveness has already been supplied for even your future sins. Think about it: when Jesus was on the cross, ALL of your sins were in the future.  I want to emphasize that we do no put Jesus back on the cross when we sin. Maybe we’ve been told that to make us feel guilty for sinning, and maybe it was effective, but it is simply untrue. His sacrifice was ONCE AND FOR ALL. In fact, we are not supposed to walk around feeling guilty for our sins.

Hebrews 10:2 actually says that. The goal of Christ’s sacrifice was for you to no longer feel guilty. The ONLY time you should feel guilty is from the moment you realize you have sinned to the moment you ask for forgiveness. God is faithful and just to forgive. He does not forgive like man does. When we ask someone to forgive us for hurting them, they may say that they forgive us, but we certainly don’t feel as though we can immediately move forward as though nothing had ever happened.   Isn’t there some unwritten and vague rule about how long we have to wallow in our shame before we’re allowed to move on? Maybe with man, but not with God! Forgiven means forgiven. Leave the guilt behind. Are you going to sin again? Yep. God knows that. He loves you anyway and wants nothing hindering your relationship with him – especially guilt that Jesus already paid for.

In Hebrews 10:5-7 it talks about how the Old Covenant offerings did not please God. Doesn’t that seem unfair? God told them to make the sin offerings, but He says they were not pleasing. Why? Well, it was not the act of the offering or the one making the offering that He was not pleased with. It was that the offerings, though necessary until Christ came, were ineffective in forgiving sin, guilt and condemnation. They could not change the heart of man. They were simply a band-aid fix until the true offering (Christ) could be made.  In verse 9, it says that Jesus came to do God’s will – and that will was to put aside the Old Covenant and establish the New. That is WHY Jesus came. That was God’s will. We must also learn to put aside the old so that the new can be established.  The principles of the law do produce good fruit, but no righteousness.

That means that, as long as we still try to operate by law and works in order to obtain righteousness, we have not put that old way aside. Until we do so, we cannot even ESTABLISH the new. That is because they don’t mix. God doesn’t work by a little of both. If you want forgiveness and freedom from guilt and condemnation you MUST put aside the old so that the new will be established in you. 

Then, in verses 12-13 it tells is what Jesus is doing now that He finished the work. He is sitting at the right hand of God (not getting back on the cross when we sin). It says He is waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool. So, who, or what, are His enemies? It is not THE enemy, Satan, because this is a plural noun. It is also not people. God wishes that none perish, but all come to the saving knowledge of grace. Those enemies are the law – law meant to instruct us in right living that ended up bringing death and condemnation – and all its requirements. Every one of them hangs over us until we take hold of righteousness in Christ and put them all under Jesus’ feet.  We must cease from our works to gain righteousness and put all of them under Jesus’ feet and live in His righteous rest.

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